Rashi’s commentary on the words ”ויהיו חי’ שרה מאה שנה ועשרים שנה ושבע שנים” – “and the years of the life of Sarah were 100 years, and 20 years, and seven years…” (Chayei Sarah 23:1) will become clear to your students when they use this interactive educational aid to learn the significance of each specific age and period in the life of Sarah Imeinu.
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Size: | 8.5″x11″ |
Language: | Hebrew |
Language Style: | Ashkenaz |
Gender: | N/A |
Color: | Color, Black and White |
Grade(s): | Pre-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th |
Resource Type(s): | Project |
Subject(s): | Tanach, Torah, Bereishis, Chayei Sarah |
Contents: |
2 – 8.5″x11″– Color 1 – 8.5″x11″ – Black and White |
Paper Paper |
Not Laminated Not Laminated |
Page Scaling: | None (Do Not Fit to Printable Area) | ||
Notes: |
Some cutting and assembly may be required. Laminated items will require trimming. Items larger than 11×17 inches may require a large format printer. |
Goals and Objectives: | The student will identify the Dibbur Hamatchil of Rashi, understand that Rashi seeks to clarify a difficulty in the passuk, and be able to explain each segment of Rashi commentary. |
Skills Needed: | Reading Hebrew. |
Skills Developed: | Students will develop Rashi skills and apply the mussar haskel, moral lesson of Rashi in their lives. |
Publisher: | Walder Education |
Founding Director: | Mrs. Rouhama Garelick |
Created: | Zehavah Allen |
Content: | Layah Bergman |
Design: | Rochelle Miller |
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