In Haazinu, the Torah compares Hashem’s protection of His nation to the way the nesher acts with her young. Although nesher is commonly translated as an eagle, it actually is a type of vulture (Tosfos). Rashi tells us that unlike other birds which carry their young with their feet, the nesher carries the babies on the wings. The nesher which soars above any other bird fears only the arrow shot from below. The nesher says, “Better that an arrow should pierce me than hurt my young.” Hashem protects us the same way. When arrows were being shot at us by the Egyptians at the Yam Suf, Hashem moved His protective cloud behind us to catch the arrows.
The students will display their knowledge of the nesher and fill out the graphic organizer below. Younger students will identify the nesher as the highest flying bird and create an origami paper bird.
Skills Needed:
focus on task, ability to follow instructions, fine motor skills, writing, cutting, folding
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