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Netilas Yadayim Hebrew-English Dot Placemat


A beautiful Netilas Yadayim placemat, part of a delightful series of Brachos placemats, which was created with the busy teacher in mind. It is what we call a 1-2-3 project: 1. Color. 2. Glue. 3. Laminate. Of course, detailed instructions and a template are included.

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Size: 8.5″x11″
Language: Hebrew and English
Language Style: N/A
Gender: N/A
Color: Black and White
Grade(s): Preschool-2nd Grade
Resource Type(s): Projects
Subject(s): Tefillah, Brachos
Contents: 1-11″x17″-Black and White
1-8.5″x11″-Black and White
Not Laminated
Not Laminated
Page Scaling: None (Do Not Fit to Printable Area)
Notes: Some cutting and assembly may be required.
Laminated items will require trimming.
Items larger than 11×17 inches may require a large format printer.
Goals and Objectives: The student will develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination while learning and reinforcing the mitzvah of washing the hands and reciting Al Netilas Yadayim before eating a meal. The coloring of the placemat with the dots can be used as a tool for building patterning and sequencing skills. (For guidance see alternate uses.)
Skills Developed: Sequencing skills, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, following instructions, focusing on task
  • Placemat template (attached)
  • copied for each child
  • Colorful dot stickers or dot (bingo) markers (available at any office supply store in a variety of colors or at the dollar store)
  • Markers or crayons
  • Glue
  • One 12″ x 18″ piece of color construction paper
Publisher: Walder Education
Founding Director: Mrs. Rouhama Garelick
Created: Malkah Deutsch
Illustration: David Sokoloff
Date Submitted: May 9, 2014




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