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Bichochmah Yibaneh Bayis: A Study of the Bais Yaakov Movement


“This booklet provides a thorough treatment of the inception, growth and proliferation of the Bais Yaakov movement from Krakow until today. It includes stories and documentation about the unbelievable mesiras nefesh displayed by the talmidos during the Holocaust. There are questions, activities, pictures and sources to enhance the material. These materials can be used as part of a larger Jewish history unit or as part of a smaller unit on the Bais Yaakov movement.

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Size: 8.5×11
Language: Hebrew
Language Style: N/A
Gender: N/A
Color: Black and White and Color
Grade(s): 6th-8th Grade
High School
Post High School
Resource Type(s): Curriculum Materials
Subject(s): Modern Jewish History


Contents: 64-8.5×11-Black and White Paper Not Laminated
Page Scaling: None (do not fit to printable area)
Notes: Some cutting and assembly may be required.
Laminated items will require trimming.
Items larger than 11×17 inches may require a large format printer.

Goals and Objectives: Students will examine and analyze information about the Bais Yaakov Movement and will gain a historical and hashkafic orientation and context for the events and personalities which are discussed.
Skills Needed: Reading and understanding Hebrew
Skills Developed: Students will develop their sequencing and analysis skills as they learn about the development of the Bais yaakov movement.
Attached Booklet
Publisher: Walder Education
Founding Director: Mrs. Rouhama Garelick
Created: Merkaz Bais Yaakov for the Walder Education Pavilion of Torah Umesorah
Date Submitted: May 9, 2014




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