Dear Kehillah,
Education provides direction. It builds confidence. It imparts knowledge. Most importantly, it gives us a road map for navigating the world around us. A strong Jewish education gives children satisfaction in their Judaism. It gives them an understanding of our nation’s history, and where they fit into that story. And it gives them the commitment, knowledge, and passion they need to live as Torah-observant Jews.
But quality education cannot be achieved without quality educators. Those who educate our children shape their future and influence their success. Educators, as the pillars of the learning process, should not only receive our respect, but also our support.
We founded Walder Jewish Education with this goal. The organization focuses on empowering teachers of Torah-based education through engaging, relevant, and professionally-developed tools and resources. Walder Jewish Education has grown and become a trusted Torah-based education leader and change agent, and a highly-valued resource center for teachers in the Chicago Orthodox community and beyond. Our exceptional learning materials, vetted by a team of Torah-trained education experts to ensure academic integrity, are being used in classrooms across the country and around the world.
We feel privileged to have a part in empowering our teachers. Walder Jewish Education’s high-quality innovative tools and educational resources are enhancing teachers’ capacity to educate and inspire their students and we look forward to continuing to transform the education experience of Jewish children around the world.
Joseph and Elizabeth Walder
Founders and Board Directors
Walder Jewish Education