פרשת במדבר
ואחרי כן יבאו בני קהת לשאת | ד' ט'ו
“Then the sons of Kehos shall come to carry”
The Gemara relates that the ארון carried its carriers – i.e. the sons of Kehos did not need to exert themselves when carrying the ארון, rather the ארון carried them.
Rav Chaim Volozhin zt’l explains that nowadays, the Yeshivos represent the ארון and its fundraisers are the carriers. Despite the hardships – financial or otherwise – that these people endure, they are assured that ultimately, the Yeshiva (ארון) will provide them the סיעתא דשמיא to succeed.
In a similar vein, Rav Aaron Kotler zt”l adds that from an academic perspective, a suitably qualified individual who is recruited to teach, is assured that ultimately the Yeshiva (ארון) will provide him with the סיעתא דשמיאto succeed.
May we all be zoche to the סיעתא דשמיא that is worthy of those in our sacred profession.
About the Author: Rabbi Yisroel Meir Rubinfeld
Rabbi Rubinfeld has been in the field of Torah education for over 3 decades and serves as an Executive School Consultant for Torah Umesorah. He provides an array of services to schools across North America, including teacher and principal mentorship, school and curricula evaluations, professional development and parent education.
Rabbi Rubinfeld's expertise includes classroom management and discipline, effective instruction, bullying, cultivating sensitivity in the classroom, impulse disorders (such as ADHD and ODD), and balancing the educational needs of mainstream and special needs children in the classroom.
Rabbi Rubinfeld is the also the founder and director of Torah Umesorah's Lilmod U'Lilamed department which provides professional development for teachers and principals throughout the year.
Rabbi Rubinfeld is a talmid of the distinguished Yeshivos of Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, the Mirrer Yeshiva in Yerushalayim and Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood.